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SF.357-3 与固定卫星业务系统共享相同频段的模拟角度调制无线电中继系统的干扰的最大允许值
标准号 SF.357-3 关注
中文名称 与固定卫星业务系统共享相同频段的模拟角度调制无线电中继系统的干扰的最大允许值
英文名称 Maximum allowable values of interference in a telephone channel of an analogue angle-modulated radio-relay system sharing the same frequency bands as systems in the fixed-satellite service
发布日期 1978-07-01
全文上线日期 2013-06-17 15:28:32
页数 2
摘要 The CCIR, CONSIDERING (a) that systems in the fixed-satellite service and line-of-sight radio-relay systems share certain frequency bands above 1 GHz; (b) that mutual interference would increase the noise in both types of system beyond that which would exist in the absence of frequency sharing; (c) that it is desirable that the noise, due to interference in the telephone channels of existing radio-relay systems, emanating from transmitters of satellites and earth stations, should be a fraction of the total noise in those systems, such that it would not be necessary to change the design objectives for radio-relay systems, as set out in Recom-mendation 393; (d) that it is necessary to specify the maximum allowable interference power in a telephone channel, to determine the maximum power flux from communication satellites which can be allowed at the surface of the Earth and to determine whether specific locations for satellite-earth stations and terrestrial radio-relay stations would be satisfactory; (e) that a distribution of one-minute mean power, as exemplified in Fig. 1, would allot to interference a reasonable fraction of the total noise power permitted in the hypothetical reference circuit
标准状态 被代替
相关公告 与固定卫星业务系统共享相同频段的模拟角度调制无线电中继系统的干扰的最大允许值Maximum allowable values of interference in a telephone channel of an analogue angle-modulated radio-relay system sharing the same frequency bands as systems in the fixed-satellite service
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